Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Global Economics

The old saying used to be, “When the US sneezed the world caught a cold.” Although we are still an economic juggernaut the US is no longer the major force that drives the world economic engine. the last couple of weeks have shown that the United States is very susceptible to global economic woes. It has not so much that we have slipped, but that the world markets are growing and at a much faster rate than us.

Russell is one of the global investment leaders with offices in 20 countries. They keep their fingers on the pulse of the world and are one of the few places I can get global economic data. US financial media companies rarely bother to keep you up on world economic statistics. Russell recently published two great articles on the global economy. One was a short article on how they evaluate whether a country is developed or emerging.
Ever wondered why is the second largest economic powerhouse, China, is considered an emerging market?
Click here to read the article that explains it all.
John Velis, Head of Russell Capital Markets Research in Europe wrote a very comprehensive overview as well as an answer guide to the Eurozone crisis which includes a glossary of terms.
Click here for the full article