Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Go Green

Candy and her husband Rocke support initiatives for a cleaner kinder environment, especially when they can enjoy the effort.

The Smart Car

Rocke put his name in queue to receive a Smart car in 2006 prior to them opening up the US market. We were ecstatic when it arrived in 2008 as gas prices were hitting $4 dollars a gallon.

Rocke commutes from Ballard to Everett most days in the Smart car. He has it tricked out with heated leather seats and a great stereo system. He is getting around 40 miles to the gallon and has no problem cruising along at 70 miles an hour down the freeway. You really don’t feel like you are in a small car except for the small wheel base make it rough on speed bumps, potholes and mud puddles. The real joy in the car is driving it around downtown Seattle, where its tiny size means any spot is a parking spot. On stormy commute days he takes the pickup. When your hobbies include remodeling and woodworking you can never live without a pickup.

Here is an interesting article on the Smart car. It is the same color as ours, however you can swap out the panels any time you want to change the colors.

The Telsa Model S

We both fell in love with the Tesla Model S at first sight. We immediately went down to the local Tesla dealership in January and put a down payment on one. We are in queue at number 1,457 which is expected to arrive the first quarter of 2012.

The Tesla Model S is a full electric mid-size automobile that can seat five comfortably takes $4 to fill up, has a 300 mile range and a 45 minute quick charge capability. They are being built in California where they have already produced several hundred of the Tesla Roadster sports car. The factory to build the Model S is under construction in Long Beach.

I was going for the grey one until they introduced a new red that I like better, however we don’t have to make the final color decision until number 1,457 heads into production.