Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Candy Successfully Lands 787!

Rocke and Candy attended the American Lung Association’s kick off event for their annual Lung Walk at the Boeing Customer Experience Center. We were able to tour a full mock-up of a 787’s interior and play in a flight simulator. The 787 ceilings are so tall that I could stand up straight from a seat right next to the window. The windows are much wider and taller than today’ jets. I had a great time on the 787 simulator piloting a 787 by our office building in Seattle over the stadiums and landing at Boeing field.

The American Lung Association event was a sober reminder to us of the consequences smoking has had on our families. Both of us and our parents were smokers and Rocke’s parents died from lung disease. My mom was the first to kick the habit then Dad and I quit after Dad’s first open heart surgery. My parents are now in their 80 and very healthy. If you smoke, quit now. It is the hardest thing you will ever do but it is the best gift you can give yourself and those you love.