Friday, May 16, 2014

976 AD - The Greatest Invention Ever?

In the Codex Vigilanus of 976 can be found the earliest mention in a western work of the Arabic numeral system, a development that can lay claim to being perhaps the greatest of all the great moments in western financial history.  Too lofty a claim?  Hardly, when you consider what life would be like without it.

Click here to read full article © Russell Investments 2013. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.

Pepper Sirloin Steak

After many months of Seattle grey we have been blessed by a few spectacular warm sunny days that entice us outside to dust off the BBQ.  Our preferred method for steak is off a very hot Big Green Egg charcoal grill.  This large sirloin steak recipe is great for four to six but if there are only two of you like us, don’t worry, the leftovers are great for steak and eggs in the morning or for a hearty steak salad.  

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Columbia Tower Club

Candy has been a member of the Columbia Tower Club for over 15 years.  She has met many wonderful people there, hosted many events, chaired the startup of the popular CEOtoCEO Breakfast Series that started at the club and served on the Board of Governors.  The club is an excellent venue to meet business colleagues, clients and friends.  We are pleased to announce that the Club featured Candy in their May/June member’s magazine.

Click here to view a copy of the Columbia Tower Club’s article about Candy 

Automatic Marriage Day

Many of Washington State’s same sex partners went through the process to legally marry in 2013 when the new law allowed them to do so.  Those that were registered as domestic partners that chose not to go through the formal process will automatically be given marital status as of June 30, 2014.  If the couple does not wish to marry they must officially opt out.  Estate attorney, Sean Bleck reminds couples that marriage is an event that should automatically trigger a review of your will and estate documents. 

There was a good article in the Seattle Times on Valentine’s Day that provides additional background information on the June 30 deadline.

Transfer on Death (TOD) Deeds Now Available in Washington State

Washington State has legalized the ability to execute a deed that will automatically transfer the ownership of our real estate to your beneficiaries without going through probate effective March 2014.

Although this tool will be a good option in some cases, estate attorney, Pat McGowan cautions individuals to make sure using this new option does what it is intended to do, and does not conflict with your will or existing trusts.   Elder Care Attorney, Sean Bleck warns of a potential time bomb for the beneficiaries.  The State Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) have the option to file liens against the property up to two years after death.  It is wise to consult your attorney and financial planning professionals prior to implementing a TOD Deed.

Click here for more information on the new TOD Deed. 

Habits of the Rich and Poor

Research shows that daily behavior determines our economic outcomes.  It has proven a long-standing philosophy of mine that if you want to be rich, watch what poor people do and do the opposite.  This interesting research by bestselling author, Thomas Corley can help you fine tune your habits to help increase your wealth.