Thursday, December 20, 2012

Bread Pudding Recipe

Rocke and I were introduced to this decadent recipe at the annual Rotary BBQ when Maelyn Ritter, the Queen Anne Rotary President 2011-2012 brought it as her potluck contribution.  Check out our award winning chili from the same event at the link below.   We have modified it slightly to adjust to cooking at home, but there is a story behind this famous pudding.

Marjorie, a local Seattle restaurant, has somewhat of a “cult following” for the bread pudding.  Upon pastry chef, Manda Mangrai’s arrival in February 2005, they removed it from their regular menu so she could put her own “stamp” on this Marjorie dessert.  After experiencing somewhat of an uprising from their regular clientele, they reinstated the bread pudding’s proper place on the menu, and it is said this is the best they’ve ever had.