Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tesla Supercharger: Drive for Free, Forever, on Sunlight.

The countdown continues as we’ve learned 400 Teslas have now been delivered – only 688 more to go before Candy finally gets hers, and the excitement continues!  ElonMusk, CEO and product architect for Tesla Motors recently revealed the Supercharger network of charging stations it has secretly been building.  These Supercharger stations can add 150 miles of range in about 30 minutes of charging time, and perhaps best of all, these stations will remain free forever for Tesla owners.  Musk is also the CEO and CTO of SpaceX (world’s most advanced rockets and spacecraft) and chairman of SolarCity (revolutionize the use of solar energy).  Truly a milestone in today’s technological advancement, we are excited to see how this may transform the automotive industry as we know it.