Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Specialists Outperform Generalists

When it comes to specific assignments, specialists typically outperform generalists. Consider the 2008 Beijing Olympics, when we compare the performance of the gold medal-winning decathlon champion with the individual event champions, the individual specialists won every time. Why should investing be any different? A manager skilled at managing investments in U.S. equities won't necessarily be best at managing a global bond portfolio. Russell not only combines multiple specialists in simple packages, but they constantly monitor their performance. We think it's an approach worth championing!

Click here for the full informational piece.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Estate Planning for Medicaid and long-term care

Check out Professional Alliance member Sean Bleck’s article in the July 16-22 Puget Sound Business Journal for good tips on estate planning for Medicaid and long-term care. If you subscribe to the Puget Sound Business Journal you can read the full article here. If you would like us to send you a copy of the article send us an e-mail to nick@candyjlee.com.

Landmark Financial Reform

On July 21, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. The provisions are designed to help prevent problems that led to the 2008 financial crisis from recurring. In some cases, the legislation enacts specific measures; in others, it authorizes the creation of regulations that will be determined in coming months.

Click here to read the full Article.

Reverse Mortgages Look Better

Check out Wall Street Journal's article on reducing finance costs. PA member Conrad Wouters offers reverse mortages and is available to answer your questions in this area. They are often an attractive last option to increase income for those individuals with depleting income. The longer in life you wait to take out a reverse mortgage the better.
Click here for the Wall Street Journal Article.

Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has initiated the Pre-existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) (part of the health-care reform legislation). PCIP provides health insurance coverage to individuals who have been unable to receive health insurance for at least six months, due to a pre-existing medical condition. PCIP is expected to last until 2014, at which time health insurance providers will no longer be able to deny coverage to individuals based on their health (medical underwriting).Twenty-nine states plus the District of Columbia will run their own plans, while the remaining states' PCIPs will be administered by the federal government. The cost of insurance under the PCIP is not based on health or income and is expected to be comparable to rates in a state's commercial market. Uninsured individuals can get more information from the government's new website, http://www.healthcare.gov/.

Interest Rates Drop Slightly on Some Federal Student Loans

If you have more than one variable rate federal student loan, you may be able to convert your variable interest rate to a lower fixed interest rate loan under the government's loan consolidation program.

Click her for full article.

RockCandy Favorite Recipes: Fig, Prosciutto and Gorgonzola

As tasty as it is beautiful, this first course combines elements from the craddle of civilization infused with the personality of Italian prosciutto and gorgonzola. Enjoy!
Click here for Recipe.